Zimbra Ajax enabled software. The cool thing about Zimbra is that they have a way to run offline. They are showing an email client right now that let’s you read and send emails while offline. Then when you reconnect they sync with the server. Pretty cool. They white label to hosting providers. They showing a…
Author: Justin
Disruption: Harnessing the Collective Intelligence
Jim Buckmaster (CEO Craigslist) We manage with only 20 peope by relying on our users to manage what goes on on the site. The users keep us out of trouble. The site is the result of millions of user’s suggestions. They use feedback forums where users talk and they watch the conversation. They put up…
Stuff from Microsoft labs
Here are a couple of interesting things coming out of MS: Photosynthe – pretty cool. Creates a point cloud in 3D of a group of photos. No human intervention required. It looks at your photos and puts them together – in panormas. It figures out details. Lets you zoom in. It is pretty cool. All…
Mårten Mickos CEO of MySQL
MySQL has been about giving structured data to structured systems. So now “their” idea is to do what Google has done and get people to open source their data, share that data, then allow the world to access it like a database. “The biggest database in the world is already out there.” Build a “skype…
Marissa Mayer – What google has learned
Company email list called Googlers. Sometimes it is about Tivo series 3. Sometimes it is about changes in snacks in the breakroom. A year or so ago the googler list was filled with comments on design of the Google home page. Mayer’s boss came to her and said this is ridiculous fix it and just…
Sun’s Cool Toy
Sun labs is showing a project called sunspot. It is awesome. It is a tiny platform that lets you use Java to control a microcontroller that has all kinds of built in sensors. It is like a lego mindstorm for geekier people. Go to to get one: sunspotworld.com A sunspot will cost $500. This is…
Afternoon keynotes
Here are some highlights from the keynotes during the afternoon sessions. Eric Schmit (CEO Google) John Battelle “Why did you buy youtube?” Schmit’s response video is a big deal and we want some of it. Google figured out how to make money from search results and now they believe they have the algorithms needed to…
A Conversation with Ross Levinsohn
Arranged the deal and bought Myspace. Youtube is their biggest strategic partner. On the Internet may of your biggest competitors are also your partners. Google will power search on the news corp sites. They get to sell advertising, and news corp gets 900 million. Myspace cost 580 million. Not a bad deal. However, he also…
The Evenings Entertainment
I hear that at past Web 2.0 conferences dinner on the second night was left to the attendees. This year AOL provided dinner and entertainment in the form of Lou Reed. I like music but I must admit that I had no idea who this guy was until I looked him up and found that…
Dr Hyun-Oh Yoo Cyworld
Korean social site. Combination of popular internet activities – blogs, photo, video sharing. Here are some statistics: 20 million subscribers 40% of population 96% of 20-29 year olds use regularly 20 billion page views per month They are coming to the Unites States. It will be interesting to see if Cyworld is successful. Their design…