Jamis Buck blogged about the code review of Ozmozr he and Marcel did at the Mountain West Ruby Conference. The presentation was our favorite because of the insight it gave into our code and I think we came away as better programmers for it. Here is the link to the presentation on Conference Freaks and…
Author: Justin
Logan Canyon
I have never ridden Logan Canyon. I was always to worried about traffic. We tried it today. It is a fun ride. The road follows the river up the canyon and there are plenty of trees that provide brief moments of shade. The ride up hurt a little bit, but on several sections we managed…
Want to lose weight?
I like how the title sounds so very spam like. I have lost 25 lbs since I started biking. 10 lbs in the past 2 months. So if you want to know my secret pay close attention: GET OFF YOUR FAT BUTT AND STOP EATING CRAPPY FOOD. That is yours for only $19.95 plus shipping…
Soda Is Really Bad for You
I don’t drink very much soda. It isn’t healthy and I would rather eat the calories in the form of chocolate. Occasionally, I do drink a bit, but after reading about how the sodium benzoate in soda destroys the mitoconhdria in your cells, and may “lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such…
More on my bike dilema
Bicycle ride quality is hard to describe, but is easy to feel when you are on a bike. With all the bikes I have ridden in the past few months I have made sure to include a couple of common riding challenges/issues. I made sure to hit pot holes. The roads around here have plenty…
How to do OpenID
We are looking at implementing OpenID in the Folksemantic applications at COSL. I have been trying to figure out how to present this new technology to our users. Most people have been adding OpenID alongside their standard navigation. DHH’s plugin uses http:// to indicate OpenID using your current login form. The password field disappears once…
Presentations from Rails Conf
In a lot of my posts I said that I would link to the presentation. All the presentations can be found here: http://www.web2expo.com/pub/w/51/presentations.html My favorites from the current list are: Building Community-focused Apps with Rails Scaling a Rails Application from the Bottom Up
I love Calfee, Strong, and Time bikes
I have been seriously investing a new road bike for a few months now. By serious I mean visiting a lot of bike shops, reading every forum I can find and posting questions to some very friendly communities. I have read up on as many manufacturers and their supply chains as possible. I can tell…
Rails Conf after thoughts
Now that I am home and have managed to sleep a bit I have been thinking about my overall experience at Railsconf 2007. Overall it was great. It was fun to meet so many people working in Rails. The community is filled with friendly individuals who are willing to share everything they know or just…
Solr on Rails Erik Hatcher
Ferret is fast. He has moved around and the documentation is a bit sparse. Solr was created by people at CNET, used by Internet Archive, Krugle, Revolution Health, his projects: Collext, Blacklight. Findability – serendipity is great. You should be able to browse and discover stuff you didn’t intend to. Read Ambient Findability Lucene is…