It is top secret, but I am working on another Facebook application. This time I am using Ruby On Rails since I don’t have to deal with legacy issues. I’ll be interested to see if there is a large performance difference. I’ll post a link when the application is ready. This time it will be…
Author: Justin

My Wife is Better Than Your Wife
It really is true. My wife IS better than your wife. Want proof? Here it is: [![Panasonic Plasma TV – TH-58PZ700U][2]][2] 58” of pure Panasonic Plasma goodness and she wanted it as much as I did. Ya, my wife is better than yours. (I’ll post some install info later on.)
Complaning About Perspective
I love NPR. I was listening to it last night on the way home and Will Bowen of Christ Church Unity was on talking about his no complaint for 21 days program and the purple bracelets he passes out to help people to remember not to complain. This morning on my way in they were…
Visited the Tetons
I grew up in southeast Idaho which is in close proximity to Jackson Hole, Wy and Grand Teton National Park. When I was a kid (I am going bald and my back is causing me problems so I get to say that now), we would visit “the park” 5 or more times a year. Now…
First Facebook Application is Running
I finally worked out most of the bugs for my first Facebook Application – My House Plans which uses data from my House Plan site. What is cool is that without putting in a lot of effort people are finding and adding the application. I worked on the app yesterday and then last night took…
Another Social API – I might explode
Just as I finish my Facebook app here comes OpenSocial which is supposed to be an API that works with LinkedIn, Orkut, other Google services and the big recent addition, MySpace. I might just explode into a million pieces. I love that with these apps you get traffic almost as soon as you turn it…
Screaming out in Sheer Terror
Happy Halloween
Just Funny
I am writing code and my wife is singing this to my son, “I’m a little stink pot short and stout when I let it rip it all comes out. I’ll knock you over and you’ll pass out.”
rFacebook and redirect_to
I have been working with rFacebook to try to get a Facebook application up and running. Right now we are trying to integrate our conference application – with Facebook so that our users can take advantage of existing social networks instead of having to create yet another network at he conference they are attending….
Quick Note About rFacebook, Edge Rails, and Sessions.
This problem may not be specific to rFacebook, but when I added acts_as_facebook_user to my user model and then made a call like: my_user.first_name </pre> I would get an 500 internal server error. I checked the log and saw this: CGI::Session::CookieStore::CookieOverflow I found that if I changed the app so that it uses db sessions…