Talk to most developers about PHP and you’ll get an eye roll and a moan. It’s not the favorite language among the popular developer crowd but with 28% of the world’s websites running on WordPress knowing a little bit of PHP might not be a bad idea. I spend some time today understanding WordPress plugins:…
Author: Justin

GraphQL Apollo
After debating whether to use Relay or Apollo for the past year Apollo Client 2.0 is looking like our GraphQL client of choice. The new Apollo link state means all of our client state can be managed with a single library. Here’s a couple of great intro videos to the new client. GraphQL + Apollo…

A Pretty Good Introduction to Pretty Good Privacy Your browser does not support iframes. What’s PGP, and what can we do with it? George walks us through creating and uploading a key, encrypting and signing emails, git commits, and files, and introduces the web of trust.

Hyperledger Fabric
Hyperledger Fabric is an open source blockchain framework supported by the Linux foundation. Hyperledger Fabric Your browser does not support iframes. Hyperledger Fabric
GraphQL Summit 2017
Here’s the full GraphQL Summit 2017 playlist. All great presentations that are worth watching if you have the time. GraphQL Summit 2017 Your browser does not support iframes. GraphQL Summit 2017

React Media Player
Mike Grabowski: Building a Fully-Fledged Media Player in React Native — ReactNext 2016 Your browser does not support iframes. At, we have been working on the media player for one of our clients on both iOS and Android and decided to do it in React Native. React Native i…
Create Custom Image Uploader Word Press
Create a Custom Image Uploader in WordPress Your browser does not support iframes. In this series we take a look at what is required to create your own custom image uploader in WordPress. We cover, interacting with the uploader, saving the …
WordPress Plugins The Details
How to Build a Basic WordPress Plugin Part 2 Your browser does not support iframes. This video will cover the very basics needed to build a working WordPress plugin. We will also cover a programing pattern often used in WordPress Development. How to Create a Settings Page in WordPress. Part 15 Your browser does not…
WordPress Plugins The Details
How to Build a Basic WordPress Plugin Part 2 Your browser does not support iframes. This video will cover the very basics needed to build a working WordPress plugin. We will also cover a programing pattern often used in WordPress Development. How to Create a Settings Page in WordPress. Part 15 Your browser does not…
WordPress Plugins The Details
How to Build a Basic WordPress Plugin Part 2 Your browser does not support iframes. This video will cover the very basics needed to build a working WordPress plugin. We will also cover a programing pattern often used in WordPress Development. How to Create a Settings Page in WordPress. Part 15 Your browser does not…