It’s snowing in Logan again and so in my current tradition of posting house plans that I would build if the economy didn’t suck and if I had lots of money I am submitting to you this european style house plan that looks cool in the snow: european style house plan in the snow
Author: Justin
Hierarchies, trees, jQuery, Prototype, and acts_as_nested_set
‘single_message’ should normally be set to false. I added it in just in case I needed to render a single message for an ajax call. If you aren’t rendering an entire tree and thus have only one node then passing ‘single_message = true’ will force the method to call the database to get the level…
A Very Sexy Madone
Lance ‘s return to cycling is something that I am sure many people are watching with anticipation and curiosity. He is one of the greatest if not the greatest cyclist of all time. Personally, I like to see the equipment Trek is setting him up with. Here’s a few links to pictures of his new…
Snow and Rain
I just manged to get the kids in bed. It’s 9:00pm. I started at 6:30. I’m sitting here watching the rain letting my brain idle for a few moments until I get back into write code. It’s a bit odd that its raining given that it is January. Over the Christmas break we received treacherous…
I Got Older
I turned 34 yesterday. I assume you’ll ask why I didn’t write this yesterday and my response is it was my birthday why the hell should I have to do anymore work than just get out of bed? I’ve come to enjoy my birthday less. It is a marker that indicates my body no longer…
Shoulda Craps out on Rails 2.2.2
I tried the latest shoulda on luvfoo a while back and it died on the internationalization stuff so we gave up. Turns out that with the new internationalization in Rails 2.2.2 shoulda is dying again. I know the code is free and shoulda really is a great project, but I think this shows why you…
The binding argument of #concat is no longer needed
If you upgrade to Rails 2.2.2 and start getting “The binding argument of #concat is no longer needed” then wherever you do something like this: concat(content, block.binding) </pre> change it to this: concat(content) </pre> The ‘block.binding’ argument is no longer needed which is nice because who really wanted to type that over and over again…
New Diet
I now weigh 165lbs which means I’ve lost 5lbs. The secret to my diet success is what I like to think of as the consultant stress plan. If you want to loose weight I highly recommend it. It is a simple combination of not sleeping and not eating. You’ll be thinner in no time.
So I am a Big Geek
I had to reboot the server in my office closet this evening. That’s when I realized that I am a really big nerd. I have a server in my closet with RAID 5 to backup the other computers in the house. I have so many now that I actually have to count them to remember…
Maybe I Should be a Computer Tech
My wife’s computer finally died. I mean really died. For about ten minutes I could push the power button and it would just barely turn on and then it would immediately shut down. Then it stopped turning on all together. It is an old Dell Dimension 8400. There are two things that can go wrong…