I’ve been upgrading some old code and noticed that my unit tests started spitting out a lot of errors like this: undefined method `assert_no_difference’ </pre> and undefined method `assert_difference’ </pre> It turns out that I needed to change my base classes from Test::Unit::TestCase to ActiveSupport::TestCase: class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # stuff end </pre> changes to:…
Author: Justin
What I Got for Christmas This Year
We’re home from my parents which in a way marks the end of the Christmas celebration for us. Although, I am pushing for a return of the Twelve days of Christmas which doesn’t end until January 5. Here’s what I got for Christmas this year: A chance to play Santa Claus with the most beautiful…
Merry Christmas
Santa’s up a bit late this year (every year actually). Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Using the OAuth and OAuth-Plugin gems
For quite a while I’ve been wanting to play with OAuth and now that I’ve been able to spend some time playing with it I have to say it is awesome. Instead of asking for a user’s username and password for a given service (like their GMail or LinkedIn account) you instead have the user…
Callie Found This…
We’re using this to teach our kids Chinese. Kind of funny how a word in one language sounds so much like words in another language: </param></param></param></embed>
Ruby on Rails i18n with the Rails I18n Textmate bundle
For the longest time I’ve deal with internationalization in Ruby on Rails by hand. This is a tedious process that involves switching back and forth between the file containing the string and your localization yaml file. I was looking at Ruby Mine and found that it supports localization and appears to do many of the…
How New Carpet and Rattlesnake turned me into a Consultant or What the Hell Happened?
I was sure I would never become a consultant. The stress is high. You sell your time. You don’t get time off. You don’t get sick leave. Just try to get health insurance. Retirement? Ha. In spite of all that I am a consultant and I like it. Late summer 2008 the powers that be…
How New Carpet and Rattlesnake turned me into a Consultant or What the Hell Happened?
I was sure I would never become a consultant. The stress is high. You sell your time. You don’t get time off. You don’t get sick leave. Just try to get health insurance. Retirement? Ha. In spite of all that I am a consultant and I like it. Late summer 2008 the powers that be…
How New Carpet and Rattlesnake turned me into a Consultant or What the Hell Happened?
I was sure I would never become a consultant. The stress is high. You sell your time. You don’t get time off. You don’t get sick leave. Just try to get health insurance. Retirement? Ha. In spite of all that I am a consultant and I like it. Late summer 2008 the powers that be…
How New Carpet and Rattlesnake turned me into a Consultant or What the Hell Happened?
I was sure I would never become a consultant. The stress is high. You sell your time. You don’t get time off. You don’t get sick leave. Just try to get health insurance. Retirement? Ha. In spite of all that I am a consultant and I like it. Late summer 2008 the powers that be…