My MacBook died today. When you write code for a living that really sucks. Then I ran out of M&Ms. That sucks a lot too. Snow be damned when everything else falls apart you simply must ride so I and Joel headed up Left Hand Fork in a spring blizzard because, well, after you get…
Author: Justin
I’m Back
The blog has been down for a few days. Once or twice a year I like to give my technology a break. Let the electrons spin free for a while that sort of thing. I thought I would move the blog from bluehost to webbynode and so I’ve spent the past few days trying to…
Doggie Shed
We’re visiting my parents in Idaho for the weekend so that the kids can go to my grandmother’s house to hunt Easter eggs. It’s a long story that involves who can be in town when and cousins that are travelling to Texas and stuff. Anyway, the kids spent the day playing in the yard with…
It’s Not Child Rearing It’s Crowd Control
I told Callie today that we deserve parent of the year awards which was especially funny given the state of affairs in our home. I’ve heard that one child isn’t to bad. We’ll never know. We started with two. For us it’s been crowd control all along. We don’t let the kids go to the…
I was at conferences all week last week. My time in Salt Lake happened to coincide with LaunchUp so I and Joel figured we’d head down and mooch free dinner. I’ve been to a lot of different user groups around the state, but I have to admit that LaunchUp really impressed me. It’s a great…
Mountain West Ruby Conference
I spent last week at the Mountain West Ruby Conference which is by far the best conference I’ve ever attended due to the brilliant minds that gather from all over the country. This year Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz), the creator of ruby came from Japan to provide his aura to to adoring minions. I had the…
Uses for banana
My two year old son has picked up an interesting habit of using ‘banana’ like the f-bomb. “I hate that! Banana you!”
Logitech Sucks Twice
Last Christmas my wife bought me a Logitech Harmony remote. Over the past few months I’ve noticed that it barely holds a charge and so if I don’t leave it on the charger all the time it just dies. Last night I went to use the remote and it burned my hand it was so…
Add Theming Engine to Your Rails Application
I’ve written about the disguise gem before, but I’ve made enough changes that it warrants a new blog post. I noticed a few performance problems which have now been fixed and the configuration has been cleaned up a bit. Disguise makes it simple to swap out the views used by your rails application either by…
acts_as_taggable libraries and the big case problem.
Over the years I’ve had a chance to use the three tagging libraries available for Ruby on Rails: acts-as-taggable-on acts_as_taggable_on_steroids acts_as_taggable I think the original acts as taggable is now defunct. The other libraries are derivatives of that library. In using tags on various sites the problem I always seem to run across is how…