Went to Hardware Ranch with Mason and Jeff tonight and had a great time – no snakes. I thought we did pretty good – 44 miles in sub 2 hours. However, a quick check of Strava will deflate one’s ego rather quickly. Within the borders of Cache Valley live some pretty amazing cyclists.
Author: Justin
Getting this: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
Setting up a new Mac is always a joy. You forget how many configuration errors you solved long ago. Here’s one I just ran into. I started getting this error when doing OAuth with Facebook on my local machine: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed </pre> I had already installed…
Script iterm2 to Save a Bit of Time.
I don’t have to reboot my Mac very often but when I do it feels like spend forever getting things setup so that I can start development. I finally got sick of all the hassle and found that I could just create an Apple Script and save it as an Application. Now starting up iterm…
The Desolation of Disney
On our first day at Disneyland we decided to try something new. We took some food and left all our credit cards in the hotel. I know that’s funny. It’s kind of like saying we crossed the Sahara Desert without any water. You can’t leave money behind. The Happiest Place on Earth comes complete with…
Major Holiday With the Wife and Kids
It’s not often that the stars align and two big events coincide. Today is Father’s day, but it’s also our anniversary. Today is a big deal since it marks 15 years of being married to the most beautiful, kindest, and most wonderful woman on earth. I can’t believe that 15 years can go so fast,…
During our trip to Southern California I realized that it’s not just Disneyland that is a wonderland, separate and distinct from the rest of the world, but most of Southern California. We pulled up to a stoplight in sporting the minivan complete with roof rack when seven Lamborghinis and one Ferrari pulled up kitty corner…
Haulin’ Balls
We’re driving across the California desert right now. The thermometer says it’s 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Every time we have to stop and get out of the car the kids tell me the heat is “hurting them”. Pioneer children they are not. The biggest dilemma facing us as we cross the long, arid, punishing desert is…
XMLHttpRequest status 0 and responseText is empty
I ran across a problem in the javascript for the OER Glue mashup process today that surprised me. We’re using backbone.js and so I had constructed a login form via one of the views. When the form was submitted I would create a session object and then attempt to save that to the server. The…
Require.js, Backbone.js and Almond.js Example Application
We refactored OERGlue to use backbone.js. That makes our life a lot simpler. Along the way we discovered require.js and I entered nerdvana. The documentation for require.js and backbone.js are both good and it doesn’t take to long to read through the code. However, putting them together, getting the development environment right and then deploying…
Script Your Development Environment Setup on Your New Mac
Just in time for Christmas. Every developer who’s been good this year is hoping for a new MacBook under the tree. (Actually your better off waiting since Apple is likely to release new machines in 4 or 5 months). Anyway, if you need to setup a development environment in a hurry here are some scripts…