My fun/stupid ember mistake of the day. I even put together a jsbin to help track down the problem. It’s a tiny problem that is hard to spot. Right there at the very end there’s a property declared like this: property(‘selectedContacts.@each’) </pre> It wasn’t always that way. Once there was this: property(‘selectedContacts@each’) </pre> The difference…
Author: Justin
Help with Ember.js
So you’ve discovered the most awesome front end javascript framework ever or at least that’s what the cool kids are saying. Now you want so help. Besides StackOverflow here are a few resources that might be helpful: The Ember API docs. Bootstrap for Ember Demo (The code) There’s also: Ember Bootstrap (The code) Ember video…
Immutable Arrays in Ember.js
I ran into another interesting situation with ember.js today. We make a request to the server to get a collection of objects for the application route. That request sends parameters that the server uses to filter the results which means that ember will give you an immutable object. The code is pretty typical and looks…
Passing a value to ember.js view from handlebars template
This is one of those things that should be easy and it’s probably obvious to most people but it threw me for a while. I wanted to pass a value into my ember.js view at the moment that I declare the view. It’s a static value, just a css class name, so it doesn’t need…
Handle Keyboard events in an Ember.js view
We ran into a situation where we wanted to be able to close our ember.js view (a modal) when the user pressed the esc key. At first I thought the solution was easy and I ended up with some code like this: App.ModalView = Ember.View.extend({ didInsertElement: function(){ $(document).on(‘keyup’, { _self: this }, this.esc_close); }, esc_close:…
Building with Ember
We’re currently building a couple of projects for a group at MIT and for a current Techstars company in the Kaplan program which has given us a chance to try out ember.js on real projects. Ember is an incredible framework started by two really smart guys Yehuda Katz Tom Dale. It’s new and it’s hot…
Picture Utilities
We have a library of almost 100,000 photos. I’m guessing the number is higher if you count the total number that we have backed up for family members. Managing that many photos can be a challenge and I’ve blooged about the topic before. We like to keep our photos in specific directories with names perfectly…
Huntsman Awards for Excellence in Education
My mother in law received a Huntsman Award for Excellence in Education this evening – a well deserved honor befitting her work as an educator over the past 16 years. Out of the 21,000 teachers in the state of Utah, 2 elementary school teacher, 2 junior high teachers and 2 high school teachers along with…
Requisite Moved From WordPress to Jekyll Post
I’m not the first one to make the move from WordPress to Jekyll. While I have been a proponent of WordPress in the past I finally grew tired of writing my posts in a tiny little box. I grew tired of a slow website (arguably that’s Bluehost’s fault not WordPress). WordPress has all kinds of…
Requisite Moved From WordPress to Jekyll Post
I’m not the first one to make the move from WordPress to Jekyll. While I have been a proponent of WordPress in the past I finally grew tired of writing my posts in a tiny little box. I grew tired of a slow website (arguably that’s Bluehost’s fault not WordPress). WordPress has all kinds of…