I’ve written about the disguise gem before, but I’ve made enough changes that it warrants a new blog post. I noticed a few performance problems which have now been fixed and the configuration has been cleaned up a bit. Disguise makes it simple to swap out the views used by your rails application either by…
Month: January 2010
acts_as_taggable libraries and the big case problem.
Over the years I’ve had a chance to use the three tagging libraries available for Ruby on Rails: acts-as-taggable-on acts_as_taggable_on_steroids acts_as_taggable I think the original acts as taggable is now defunct. The other libraries are derivatives of that library. In using tags on various sites the problem I always seem to run across is how…
undefined method `assert_no_difference’ and `assert_difference’
I’ve been upgrading some old code and noticed that my unit tests started spitting out a lot of errors like this: undefined method `assert_no_difference’ </pre> and undefined method `assert_difference’ </pre> It turns out that I needed to change my base classes from Test::Unit::TestCase to ActiveSupport::TestCase: class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # stuff end </pre> changes to:…