I wasn’t going to go for a long ride so I didn’t eat lunch and only put a couple of granola bars in my pockets. Then I called Joel and said let’s go for a ride. He was good with the idea so we headed towards Black Smith Fork Canyon. This is one of my…
Month: April 2008
First Real Ride on the New Trek Madone 6.9
I wasn’t going to go for a long ride so I didn’t eat lunch and only put a couple of granola bars in my pockets. Then I called Joel and said let’s go for a ride. He was good with the idea so we headed towards Black Smith Fork Canyon. This is one of my…

People for the Ethical Treatment of Yeast (PETY)
The next time you take a bite out of that yummy loaf of bread consider where it came from. Sure, cutting down all that nasty wheat is harmless enough. After all it’s just a stupid plant. It doesn’t have feelings. However, consider the condition of yeast. Here is how yeast is brought to market: How…
A Few More Thoughts On Morph Exchange
I am working on a quick Facebook application for a company called Flat World Knowledge. Basically I have 4 days to build the application – it has to be done by Tuesday. Because of the simplicity of deployment on Morph Exchange I decided to deploy the application on their platform. I don’t have time to…

Winter Was Hard on us Both
I have had colds off and on over the past few months which gave me a great excuse to ignore my bike trainer and be lazy. I had no idea just how bad it had gotten. While sitting in my office chair writing code this morning I hear a loud CRACK… and fall backwards: I’ll…

First ride on the new Madone
I brought my bike home from the shop and in spite of the fact that everyone was eating dinner by the time I got home I gave in and went for a ride. You can’t just bring it home and let it sit. Here’s the pictures.

Weather in Logan Not Conducive to New Bike
My new bike shows up today so what happens? This is Logan, Utah so it snows of course.

Visited My New Madone This Morning
I am sure the bike shop is sick of me, but I don’t care. I visit a lot. The new Madone showed up at the shop this morning so I paid it a visit. Here are the pictures: New Madone in Box New Madone in Box Too Bontrager XXX Lite Wheel Bontrager XXX Lite Wheel…
More on my new Madone 6.9
Sure I am a bit obsessed, but I have been tracking my bike’s movements from the Trek factory to the local shop. At 6:07pm it hit Salt Lake City. It should be here tomorrow. Maybe I should take the day off. In the mean time I have been satiating my bike lust with whatever I…
China Doesn’t Like WordPress.com
I was just following Windley on Twitter. He is in China and was unable to view Scoble’s blog. Scoble’s response – China blocks all of WordPress.com. Ouch.